Thomas-Institut der Universität zu Köln
The Thomas-Institut at the University of Cologne is one of the most renowned centres for the study of the history of medieval knowledge and texts and preserves the research materials and the Cusanus Special Library of the former Cologne Cusanus-Forschungsstelle of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. The director of the Thomas-Institut, Andreas Speer, has assured our team institutional and scientific collaboration. Hans Gerhard Senger (1936–2023), senior researcher at the Cusanus-Forschungsstelle and expert editor of several of Cusanus’ works and marginalia, provided decisive support and encouragement in the preparation of the manicula project.
Aristoteles Latinus (KU LEUVEN)
The Aristoteles Latinus project is based at the De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy of the KU Leuven. One of its main scientific goals is the critical edition of all medieval Greek-Latin translations of Aristotle. A close collaboration has been planned with the project director, Lisa Devriese, who is currently working on marginalia to Aristotle’s writings on natural philosophy. She will assist the team of the manicula project in the study of the Aristotelian manuscript collection of Cusanus.

Accademia Vivarium Novum
The Accademia Vivarium Novum in Frascati (Italy) is an international study centre inspired by the teaching methods of Renaissance schools, where students from all over the world receive a solid preparation in the humanities, arts and sciences. The director of the Academy, Luigi Miraglia, has agreed to scientific cooperation with the manicula project and it is planned to organise joint research workshops in the coming years. A researcher at Vivarium Novum, Pasquale Arfé, is currently working on a new edition of Cusanus’ marginalia on Eriugena and the Clavis Physicae.