As part of the manicula project, we plan to organise three international workshops and some research seminars. The first workshop (Siegen, 29–30 September 2023) regarded the topic: Denken am Seitenrand. Marginalien in der Philosophie des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. The conference brought together papers reflecting on the specificity of the genre of marginalia as an object of historical-philosophical interpretation and critical edition. The choice of this topic was motivated by the desire to compare our research on Cusanus with other case studies, and to discuss methodological and interpretive issues related to the analysis of marginal notes and reading practices in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance.
The second workshop (Siegen, 18–19 September 2025) was dedicated to the topic: Nicholas of Cusa and the Comparison of Plato and Aristotle in the 15ᵗʰ Century: Sources, Controversies, and Intellectual Networks. The aim of the second conference was to shed light on Cusanus‘ largely unexplored engagement with the intellectual exchanges surrounding the 15ᵗʰ-century Plato–Aristotle controversy. The conference tried to capture this crucial yet often overlooked aspect of Cusa’s thought by mapping the networks of manuscript circulation, personal relationships and philosophical allegiances that informed Cusa’s comparative analysis of Plato and Aristotle.
Moreover, we keep track of the presentations of our research at conferences and seminars on the talks page.